

  • The aim of landscape and visual appraisal work is to ensure the landscape character of the site, its visual relationship with the surrounding settlement pattern and the countryside have all been carefully considered in deciding where development is located.
  • There are long ranging views towards the site from the surrounding area, including: Long Ashton, Ashton Court, Clifton, Ashton Vale, Bedminster Down, Highridge and Dundry Hill.
  • The site and surrounding area is characterised by a series of ridges and valleys. The site is broadly a ‘vale’ landscape. Tree cover is extensive across the site, within mature hedgerows and wooded areas.
  • There are opportunities for the proposals to retain key views and provide large areas of green open space for recreational and biodiversity benefit, improving the quality of the existing Green Infrastructure.


  • Extensive ecology surveys are ongoing and include protected species and habitat surveys.
  • The site supports a range of habitats including areas of ancient woodland (Hanginghill wood), stream corridors, species-rich hedgerows and areas of species-rich grassland.
  • The site is known to support a variety of fauna species including bats, great crested newts, reptiles, otter, water vole and badgers, amongst others.
  • Opportunities for protecting and encouraging wildlife are being maximised though sensitive design, in particular the open space network will provide connectivity through the site to allow wildlife movement and opportunities for habitat enhancements.

Heritage & Archaeology

  • Fieldwork has found limited evidence of archaeological remains within the site.
  • Prehistoric occupation appears to have been sparse, although geophysical surveys indicate some possible later settlement. A potential Roman settlement was excavated in the west of the site, but no evidence was found elsewhere.
  • Yanley Lane dates from at least the medieval period and its course will be preserved.
  • Design will appropriately respond to the historic 18th and 19th century Listed farmhouses on the site, as well as designed landscapes in the surrounding area such as Ashton Court, Barrow Court and Barrow Wood.

